Are you a developer?

Become a part of our mechanism.

Get more job

We’re getting a lot of project requests and can provide you with more work. If you have experience in mobile apps, blockchain, building landing pages, or any form of technology, join us! All devs matter. 

Level-up quality

Through our experience, we’ve been able to see all kinds of approaches when it comes to development. We will provide you with feedback during every project or even estimation. With our guidance, you’ll be able to understand different "upgrade" options, such as:

  • Task estimation speed
  • Estimation quality (details, accuracy, presentation, etc.)
  • Analytics, design, and production pinch points

Get a request

Technical reference, mockup, or document that explain functional requirements

Do an estimation

and ask questions

Receive feedback

to understand your perofrmance and accuracy

Approve it

Finalize contract, sign agreement, send bill, etc.


Design, develop, test the product, and deliver


Until we finish all projects in the world


*no freelancers, only teams